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Chris has been with PC Gamer UK since late 2011. His rise to the position of Acting Editor has been likened to that of an antipodean marsupial perhaps a sugar glider attempting to scale a tall dry tree to escape an impending wildfire. The wildfire in this case represents a career that does not support repeated use of the phrase "space wizard".The tree represents Graham Smith.Born in Liverpool, Chris arrived at PC gaming via the Amiga 00. As a child he orchestrated Worms tournaments featuring dozens of AI controlled teams in which he'd only play a small direct role, preferring to allow the 'canon' outcome stem from hours of watching the computer play against itself. This capacity for emotional over investment in computer annelids provides useful context should you ever find yourself talking to Chris about Mass Effect.
Chris is also PCG UK's reluctant MMO champion, carrying the torch for a genre that he genuinely used to love and now loves with the guardedness that comes with years of close acquaintance.You can read Chris' posts here. He's also on Twitter, for better or worse.Born in Ottawa, Ontario but unable to withstand more than a couple Canadian winters, Tyler's parents promptly relocated him to Sunnyvale, California, where the temperatures are somewhat more moderate. Not that it mattered, as he remained indoors staring at his cyberpunk green CRT monitor with reflections in his glasses, just like in the movies. After that, it was all Zork and Myst and CompuServe and Klingon aliases and Bolo and Doom and Quake II CTF and messing up BIOSes and MoHAA and so on and so forth and so it was that Tyler became captivated by PC gaming and the promises of the digital revolution. After studying illustration at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco and making web stuff at GamesRadar for four years, Tyler was elated to join PC GameHe also plays the harmonica poorly, and is not above vandalizing the desks of Red Wings fans.
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