
if you play fifa 14 coins as Russia

For example, if you play fifa 14 coins as Russia, your squad commands and ambient speech tracks will be in Russian, giving you a very authentic atmosphere in combat. Although each side has their own vehicles, they're very well balanced, and? handle similarly. While this isn't exactly realistic, it creates a very welcome setup of fairness. Gamers may also? further divide their team into smaller chunks called Squads, which can now contain up to five members. There are several perks to doing somost notably the ability to respawn on your squadmates’ current position. The leaders of these Squads can give directions to their squadron, showing key points to defend or attack helpful for devising strategies.
As mentioned above, there are four classes, each bringing something special to the team. The Assault class are combat medics, sporting assault rifles, grenade launchers, and various healing supplies;? they're the only class that can revive fallen teammates. Support lays down the heavy fire, from mid range with LMGs and in close quarters with shotguns. These players can also lay down ammo resupplies for their comrades in arms, and explosives like C4 and Claymore Mines. Engineers are the counter to vehicles, sporting player eating SMGs and carbines, as well as anti armour weapons like rocket launchers and landmines. Conversely, Engineers can also use the repair torch to? fix damage done to friendly vehicles. Finally we have Recon, dealing in battlefield control and ranged combat. Don't mistake this class for being mere snipers.
Although they can reach out across the map with their sniper rifles which can now be zeroed to various distances, they can also use mid range semi auto DMRs to pick off players. Their true skill, however, comes from their reconnaissance, as players can use various gadgets to reveal enemy locations on both the mini map and your head up display HUD. By varying your squad to incorporate multiple classes, you'll be able to dominate the battlefield. For examplehaving the Assault class heal a Support vanguard, while Recon spots out enemies and the Engineer repairs an escape vehicle, you can be much more effective and team oriented than those squads where everyone www.eafutcoins.co.uk wanted to play with sniper rifles.

