
The Complete destruction of this outpost

The Complete destruction of this outpost will disrupt his power base long enough for you to secure his overthrow.Chapter :Northshire AbbeyThe destruction of Blackhand's outpost has left him in a weak position.The Shadow Council,sensing your rise in power,orders the assassination of Blackhand and elevates you to the position of Warchief.A Wolfrider brings you news that our best spy,the half-orc Garona,has been discovered by the Humans of Northshire Abbey and imprisoned there.She has valuable information concerning new and powerful magiks that would aid you in the destruction of your counterpart,King Llane.
Trusting no one to complete this vital mission in time,you must find her,and then completely destroy the Abbey to protect her secrets.Chapter :Southern Elwynn ForestWith your new found magiks,the time is ripe to burn the Human occupation from our lands.There are two Human outposts to the south that pose the greatest threat to our security.Reports from scouts near these towns show that the key to your success in this confrontation is to hold back the Human forces at their bridges while we strengthen your attack force.The glories of combat will be yours as you personally lead the armies that will reclaim your homelands.Chapter :DarkshireYou have tasted victory,and the craving for more is upon you.It is clear that one decisive blow to the Humans will make the total and complete domination of this race a simple matter.
Your spies have gathered intelligence that points to an encampment near the center of the Human lands where their knights and soldiers are sent to train.Although they will not be expecting an attack,they should prove a good fight.The destruction of this site would greatly weaken their forces,and etch your position as Warchief in stone.None shall survive!Chapter :Goldshire and MoonbrookThe final march to King Llane's home,Stormwind Keep,is at hand.Only two pathetic settlements stand in the way of the awesome,juggernaut; your www.eafutcoins.co.uk  cruel leadership,has created.

